11/2024 Honored to receive a Research Grant from DOE.
10/2024 Our team won third place at the 2024 ICCAD Contest on LLM-Assisted Hardware Code Generation. Thanks to Dr. Yu from UMD for the leading effort!
09/2024 One paper, MACM, is accepted to 2024 NeurIPS. As of Oct 2024, MACM Ranked #1 on Math Word Problem Solving on MATH in paperwithcodes.
09/2024 Shanglin has successfully defended and will be joining Walmart AI Lab as a full-time Senior Data Scientist. Congratulations, Dr. Zhou!
09/2024 Honored to receive a Research Grant from the DOT Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program.
08/2024 Caiwen joins as an Associate Professor in the CS&E Department at University of Minnesota Twin Cities in Fall 2024.
08/2024 Honored to receive a Research Grant from NIH/NCI.
07/2024 One paper is accepted to 2024 ECCV.
06/2024 One paper is accepted to 2024 ICCAD.
05/2024 We have a fruitful School of Computing Annual PhD Fellowship achivement this year. Kiran receives Predoctoral Honorable Mention; Jiahui receives Predoctoral Fellowship; Hongwu receives Predoctoral Prize for Research Excellence; Shaoyi receives Marion and Frederick Buckman Engineering Fellowship; Shanglin receives Predoctoral Fellowship; Amit receives Professor Reda Ammar Fellowship. Congrats to everyone!
05/2024 Hongwu starts summer intern at Adobe Research. Congrats!
05/2024 Shaoyi is selected as one of the 2024 ML and Systems Rising Stars. Congrats!
05/2024 Shaoyi will join as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stevens Institute of Technology in Fall 2024. Congrats!
04/2024 Honored to receive a Research Grant from Connecticut Cooperative Transportation Research Program (CCTRP).
04/2024 Invited to serve as ComSys track co-chair for 2024 ICCD.
04/2024 Invited to serve on the external review committee for 2024 MICRO.
04/2024 One paper is accepted by 2024 ICS.
03/2024 Honored to receive an Amazon Research Award.
03/2024 One paper is accepted by 2024 ICPE.
03/2024 Invited to serve as a reviewer at ECCV 2024, ACL 2024, IJCAI 2024.
02/2024 Our workshop proposal “DCgAA 2024: International Workshop on DL-Hardware Co-Design for Generative AI Acceleration” is accepted to DAC 2024.
02/2024 Honored to receive the NSF CAREER Award.
02/2024 Honored to receive a CISCO Research Award.
12/2023 Honored to receive a Research Grant from the DOE Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as PI.
12/2023 Honored to receive a Research Grant from the Department of Transportation NEUTC program as PI.
11/2023 one paper is accepted by 2024 DATE.
11/2023 One paper is accepted by 2024 ASPLOS.
11/2023 One paper is accepted by 2024 IEEE CAL.
11/2023 One paper is accepted by IEEE I-ITS.
10/2023 One paper is accepted by 2024 HPCA.
9/2023 One paper is accepted by 2023 NeurIPS.
8/2023 One paper is accepted by ACM TODAES.
8/2023 One paper accepted by 2023 HPEC received the Outstanding Student Paper Award. Congrats to Bin!
7/2023 One paper is accepted by 2023 MICRO.
7/2023 One paper is accepted by 2023 ICCAD.
7/2023 One paper is accepted by 2023 ICCV.
7/2023 Invited presentation at the 2023 DAC-ROAD4NN workshop.
7/2023 Honored to receive a Research Grant from NSF SaTC: CORE: Medium as UConn PI. Thanks to NSF!
7/2023 Honored to receive a Research Grant from the NSF CHEST Center.
6/2023 Honored to receive a Research Grant from Eversource as PI.
6/2023 One paper is accepted by 2023 SC.
6/2023 Hongwu receives GE Fellowship for Excellence. Congrats!
6/2023 Honored to receive the 2023 UConn Research Excellence Program (REP) Award.
6/2023 Honored to receive a Research Grant from Connecticut Cooperative Transportation Research Program (CCTRP). Thanks to CCTRP!
6/2023 Shaoyi receives GE Fellowship for Excellence. Congrats!
5/2023 Hongwu DEED Scholarship from New York Power Authority. Congrats!
5/2023 Shaoyi, Hongwu, Shanglin receive the 2023 UConn CSE Predoctoral Fellowship. Congrats!
4/2023 One paper is accepted by 2023 ICML.
4/2023 Invited to serve as the Associate Editor for IEEE MWSCAS in Neural Networks Track.
4/2023 One paper is accepted by 2023 IJCAI.
4/2023 Amit, Jiahui, and Kiran receive the DAC Young Fellows. Congrats!
3/2023 Kiran receives Synchrony fellowship for Fall 2023. Congrats!
3/2023 One paper is accepted by 2023 IEEE S&P (“Oakland“).
2/2023 Two papers on accelerating data/model learning are accepted to CVPR’23.
1/2023 Honored to receive a Research Grant from Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) as PI. Thanks to SRC!
1/2023 One paper is accepted by the 2023 IEEE ICRA, Robotics and Automation Society’s flagship conference.
1/2023 Honored to receive a Research Grant from DOE/Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Thanks to LLNL!
11/2022 Caiwen will organize the First Workshop on DL-Hardware Co-Design for AI Acceleration to be held in February 2023 at the 2023 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2023).
11/2022 Amit receives Eversourse fellowships for Spring 2023. Congrats!
11/2022 Jiahui receives synchrony fellowships for Spring 2023. Congrats!
11/2022 Our team won first place in accuracy and fourth place overall at the 2022 ACM/IEEE TinyML Design Contest at #ICCAD, among 150 teams from 10+countries. Open source codes
10/2022 Invited presentation at UConn AI Club.
10/2022 One paper is accepted by 2022 Medical Imaging Meets NeurIPS workshop (MedNeurIPS).
10/2022 One paper is accepted by 2022 IEEE BigData.
10/2022 One paper is accepted by 2022 HPCC.
10/2022 Invited presentation at UConn-Travelers Workshop.
9/2022 Invited presentation at UIUC AMD-Xilinx Center of Excellence.
9/2022 One paper is accepted by Nature Scientific Reports.
8/2022 Shaoyi and Hongwu receive GE Fellowship for Excellence for Spring 2023. Congrats!
8/2022 Shaoyi receives Eversourse fellowships for Fall 2022. Congrats!
9/2022 Xi receives Cigna fellowships for Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. Congrats!
8/2022 One paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC).
7/2022 Two papers are accepted by ICCAD 2022.
6/2022 Invited to serve on EMNLP review committee.
5/2022 Hongwu starts summer intern at PNNL.
5/2022 Shaoyi starts summer intern at ByteDance.
5/2022 Shanglin starts summer intern at Synopsys.
5/2022 Hongwu receives the Taylor L. Booth Graduate Fellowship, the highest honor for doctoral students at UConn CSE. Congrats!
5/2022 Shaoyi and Shanglin receive UConn CSE’s Predoctoral Prize for Research Excellence. Congrats!
5/2022 Jieren receives UConn CSE’s Predoctoral Fellowship. Congrats!
4/2022 Our DAC 22 paper “A Length Adaptive Algorithm-Hardware Co-design of Transformer on FPGA Through Sparse Attention and Dynamic Pipelining” has been recognized as a Publicity Paper.
4/2022 Caiwen gave an invited seminar at UConn CEE 5030 Transportation Graduate Seminar.
4/2022 Invited to serve on the External Review Committee (ERC) for the 2023 HPCA.
4/2022 Nathan Choi has been admitted to the graduate program of UC Berkeley. Congrats Nathan!
2/2022 One paper “Sparse Progressive Distillation: Resolving Overfitting under Pretrain-and-Finetune Paradigm” is accepted by the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2022) main conference. Congrats to Shaoyi!
2/2022 Received two more (three in total) Alveo U280 Data Center Accelerator ($7,145 each) from the Xilinx University Program. Thanks to Xilinx!
2/2022 One paper is accepted by DAC 2022; Congrats to Hongwu and Shaoyi!
2/2022 We are excited to join the UIUC Xilinx Center of Excellence as an external collaborator.
1/2022 Invited to give a seminar at UConn CSE 35th Anniversary Lecture Series
1/2022 One paper “QuClassi: A Hybrid Deep Neural Network Architecture based on Quantum State Fidelity” is accepted by MLSys 2022.
1/2022 I am honored to receive a Research Grant from USDA-NIFA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (Award No.: 2022-67023-36399) as Co-PI! Link
11/2021 One paper “Enabling Super-Fast Deep Learning on Tiny Energy-Harvesting IoT Devices” is accepted by DATE 2022. Congrats to Jieren and Shanglin!
10/2021 Received $30,000 worth of GCP Credits from Google.
10/2021 Received the 2021 UCONN IMS IMMP grant.
09/2021 Received a research grant from the Eversource Energy Center at UConn.
08/2021 Received a research grant from Travelers.
08/2021 Jieren’s two first-authored papers “TAG: Gradient Attack on Transformer-based Language Models” and “A Secure and Efficient Federated Learning Framework for NLP” are accepted by EMNLP 2021. Congrats!
08/2021 Caiwen is invited to serve as a member of the novel Program Committee Board (PCB) of IJCAI.
07/2021 Our special session proposal with Prof. Weiwen Jiang (GMU) on AI for drug discovery has been accepted by ICCAD 2021.
07/2021 One paper is accepted by ICCAD 2021. Congrats to Hongwu, Shaoyi, and Bingbing!
07/2021 Caiwen gave an invited talk on Model Compression on DNNs at UTSA’s REU Seminar Series.
07/2021 Caiwen gave an invited talk on Binary Neural Networks on FPGA at ASAP’2021.
06/2021 Jieren received an internship offer from ORNL. Congratulations to Jieren!
06/2021 Two papers are accepted in SC 2021.
06/2021 Received 2021 UConn Research Excellence Program (REP) Award.
05/2021 Congratulations to Kiera Wolfe on her first-place win at the 2021 Tri-State ExploreCSR Workshop! (UConn CSE news)
05/2021 Received an Alveo U280 Data Center Accelerator ($6,495) from the Xilinx University Program. Thanks to Xilinx!
05/2021 Caiwen will serve as a TPC member of the International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS) 2021.
05/2021 One paper is accepted in the Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (TranSET) 2021.
04/2021 Two papers “Enabling Retrain-free Deep Neural Network Pruning using Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation” and “Against Membership Inference Attack: Pruning is All You Need” are accepted in IJCAI 2021.
04/2021 Two papers are accepted in GLSVLSI 2021.
04/2021 Caiwen will serve as a reviewer of DAC’2021 Late-Breaking Results.
04/2021 Caiwen will serve as a TPC member of GLSVLSI 2021.
04/2021 Caiwen will serve as a TPC member of ISVLSI 2021.
03/2021 One paper “FORMS: Fine-grained Polarized ReRAM-based In-situ Computation for Mixed-signal DNN Accelerator” is accepted in IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2021)
02/2021 Received “Excellent in teaching” award from Provost.
02/2021 One paper is accepted in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (IEEE RA-L).
02/2021 One paper is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS).
02/2021 Two papers “Dancing along Battery: Enabling Transformer with Run-time Reconfigurability on Mobile Devices” and “A unified DNN weight pruning framework using reweighted optimization methods” are accepted in the ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2021.
02/2021 Three papers are accepted in ISQED 2021.
01/2021 Caiwen will serve as a Reviewer for ICCV 2021.
01/2021 Paper “TinyADC: Peripheral Circuit-aware Weight Pruning Framework for Mixed-signal DNN Accelerators” receives Best Paper Award Nomination at DATE 2021.
12/2020 Caiwen will serve as the Web & Registration Chair of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP)’21.
12/2020 Received Google’s exploreCSR award. Welcome to the Tri-State ExploreCSR Workshop.
12/2020 Caiwen will serve as a Reviewer for ACL/IJCNLP 2021.
11/2020 One paper is accepted in The Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference (DATE) 2021.
10/2020 Caiwen will serve on the committee for NAACL-HLT 2021.
10/2020 Caiwen will serve as a TPC member in DAC 2021.
09/2020 One paper is accepted in findings of EMNLP 2020.
09/2020 Caiwen will serve as a PC member in the 22nd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED).
09/2020 Caiwen will serve as a member of the Program Committee in AAAI2021.
08/2020 Caiwen will serve as a member of the Program Committee in IJCAI 2021.
08/2020 One invited paper is accepted in the 2020 IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC).
07/2020 Caiwen will serve as a TPC member in FPGA 2021.
06/2020 One invited paper has been accepted in 2020 ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI).
05/2020 One paper is accepted in the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED).
04/2020 Caiwen will serve as a TPC member in the 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD).
04/2020 Caiwen will serve as a TPC member in the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD).
02/2020 Caiwen will serve on 2020 IEEE NEWCAS as a Review Committee Member.
02/2020 One paper is accepted in ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2020.
02/2020 Caiwen will serve as a TPC member in the 2020 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI).
01/2020 One invited paper has been accepted in ICASSP 2020.
01/2020 One paper on NLP acceleration has been accepted in BARC Workshop 2020 (Long Presentation).
01/2020 One paper on Privacy-Preserving-Oriented DNN Pruning has been accepted in BARC Workshop 2020 (Lightning presentation).
01/2020 One invited paper on DRL in UAVs has been accepted in ISQED 2020.
01/2020 Caiwen will serve as a TPC member in DAC Late Breaking Results (DAC-LBR).
01/2020 Caiwen will serve as a TPC member in Boston Area Architecture (BARC) Workshop.
12/2019 Caiwen will serve as a TPC member in GLSVLSI 2020.
11/2019 One paper is accepted in ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) 2020, Poster.
11/2019 Caiwen served as the 2019 ICCAD CADathlon problem co-chair.
11/2019 Caiwen gave an invited talk at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
09/2019 One workshop paper is accepted in the Hardware Aware Learning for Medical Imaging and Computer Assisted Intervention (HAL-MICCAI)
09/2019 Caiwen will serve as a TPC member in DAC 2020.
09/2019 Caiwen will serve as a TPC member in FPGA 2020.
08/2019 One paper is accepted in the 25th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC).
08/2019 Caiwen joined UConn CSE.
07/2019 Caiwen served as a session chair at IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI2019), Miami, Florida.
05/2019 Caiwen will join as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Connecticut (UConn) in Fall 2019.
05/2019 One paper is accepted in the 2019 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), Full paper.
03/2019 One paper is accepted in the 46th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA).
02/2019 One paper is accepted in the 29th edition of the ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI).
02/2019 Caiwen presented “E-RNN: Design Optimization for Efficient Recurrent Neural Networks in FPGAs” in the 25th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) at Washington D.C.
11/2018 Caiwen presented “A Resource-Aware, Efficient Quantization Framework for Object Detection on FPGAs” in the 2018 New England Computer Vision (NECV) Workshop at Harvard University, MA.
11/2018 One paper is accepted in ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) 2019, Full paper.
11/2018 One paper is accepted in IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) 2019.
04/2018 Two papers are accepted in ISVLSI, 2018.
04/2018 One paper is accepted in ICPR, 2018.
03/2018 One invited paper on hardware deep learning systems in GLSVLSI 2018.
03/2018 One paper on block-circulant recurrent neural networks is accepted by ICLRworkshop 2018.
11/2017 One paper is accepted by FPGA 2018.
11/2017 One paper is accepted by ASPLOS 2018.
11/2017 One paper is accepted by AAAI 2018.
11/2017 Two papers are accepted by DATE 2018.
10/2017 One paper is accepted by IEEE Design & Test of Computers.
07/2017 One paper is accepted by ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO).
06/2017 One paper is accepted by IEEE Design and Test of Computers.
05/2017 One paper is accepted by ISLPED 2017.